
"Conozca todas las teorías. Domine todas las técnicas, pero al tocar un alma humana sea apenas otra alma humana." Carl Jung.

En modalidad online, presencial y a domicilio

La terapia online es igualmente eficaz que la que se realiza en persona. Tanto si prefieres venir a la consulta como si, debido a la distancia u otra circunstancia, quieres tener la sesión desde casa, ya sea online o que nos desplacemos allí, estaremos encantadas de atenderte.

Terapia Individual y de pareja

Consigue una nueva mirada sobre tu relación de pareja, entendiendo las reglas en las que se sustenta y que ahora parece que no son suficientes para poder estar de una forma saludable en la relación.


Promovemos un entendimiento profundo y personalizado de las necesidades de cada persona, de tal manera que se pueda producir un cambio hacia una mejor relación contigo mismo, y por añadidura, con los demás. El cambio solo puede suceder si dejas de intentar cambiar.

Servicios Psicológicos

Acompañamos a las personas en su proceso de crecimiento personal.

A close-up view of black text printed on a white textured paper. The image emphasizes the words 'features', 'Supportive', and 'awakening' among others, with visible texture of the paper adding a tactile dimension.
A close-up view of black text printed on a white textured paper. The image emphasizes the words 'features', 'Supportive', and 'awakening' among others, with visible texture of the paper adding a tactile dimension.
Enfoque Humanista

Tratamiento individualizado y holístico para cada persona.

An open book held in a room, with text highlighting themes of self-worth and inner beauty. The background includes a television mounted on a wall, a piece of furniture, and a partially visible doorway, suggesting a cozy, indoor setting.
An open book held in a room, with text highlighting themes of self-worth and inner beauty. The background includes a television mounted on a wall, a piece of furniture, and a partially visible doorway, suggesting a cozy, indoor setting.
A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
In a shaded area with an ornate backdrop, a person is receiving a massage or some form of care while sitting on a mat. Nearby stands a large umbrella providing extra shade. A group of people is gathered in the background, absorbed in conversation. The scene feels intimate and focused, with elements of daily life and cultural significance present.
In a shaded area with an ornate backdrop, a person is receiving a massage or some form of care while sitting on a mat. Nearby stands a large umbrella providing extra shade. A group of people is gathered in the background, absorbed in conversation. The scene feels intimate and focused, with elements of daily life and cultural significance present.
Terapia Integral

Integración de herramientas útiles para el proceso terapéutico.